SCC Development Team

We are an international team of developers and designers, responsible for the full-stack development, the registration clientSUSEConnect, the registration proxySMT, its successorRMT, and theSUSE Registry.

We are hiring! Want to work with us? Please check the currentlyopen positionsin the SCC team.

  • Our team culture is friendly and open.
  • We manage our own infrastructure, devops-style: the automated deployment, provisioning and testing infrastructure is maintained across the whole team.
  • We are Agile practicioners, with daily standup meetings and a test-driven development style using pull requests and code reviews.
  • We stay in direct contact with customers and other teams at SUSE to quickly identify and adapt to user needs and respond to customer issues.
  • We love to learn, are passionate about our applications, and our prime goal is to create a great experience for our users.

Our Technologies

Our Team Constitution

Similar to theManifesto for Agile Software Developmentwe created a manifesto for our team collaboration:

  • Social interactionover "Indiana Jones"-style superachievements
  • Autonomyover Set-in-stone solutions
  • Respect and friendlinessover RTFMing everyone
  • Honestyover Compromises
  • Energy and Passion and Fun and Unicornsover Business as usual
  • Qualityover Shipping ASAP